For assistance and advice call +44 (0) 20 7458 4088, anytime 24/7, 365
For assistance and advice call +44 (0) 20 7458 4088, anytime 24/7

Our Global Supplier Network

Our Supplier Network is a powerful tool to enable our registered, validated and published Suppliers to connect and collaborate. To access the network, please login or register below.

How We Support Our Suppliers

Connectivity & Relationship Building

Each of our Suppliers has a dedicated profile on the Innovation Major Portal. The portal provides a direct channel to market where Suppliers can showcase their technologies and connect with potential Buyers from around the world. It is an intelligence database with dedicated central hubs for established suppliers.

The Innovation Major Portal is the only global hub for Suppliers of technology across all domains, meaning that Innovation Major is uniquely placed to introduce multiple relevant Suppliers where their technology, services and aspirations are aligned.

Trusting and successful relationships are key to our business. We have a proven track record of working successfully with Buyers, to find the best technologies to meet their unique challenges and achieve their objectives. Our central goal is to connect Buyers and Suppliers to help industry thrive.

Sustainable Growth & Representation

The Innovation Major Portal creates a constant stream of opportunities for our Suppliers, connecting them with Buyers around the world who want to take advantage of the enormous benefits of integrating drone technologies into their organisation.

Innovation Major also represents all Suppliers through close involvement with Standards organisations and Regulators around the world. We make the case for better and joined-up standards and regulations, as well as driving excellence and innovation, and paving the way for the successful and sustainable growth of the industry.


We would be happy to discuss any of our services with you.