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For assistance and advice call +44 (0) 20 7458 4088, anytime 24/7

Patent Manager

Dynamic Virtual Marking (DVM): Product marks with fully automatic and always current legal status for your patents. Protection against reverse engineering.

Do you mark your products sufficiently in terms of your industrial property rights such as patents, trademarks or design patents? Or do you mark them in a time-consuming manner, thereby being prone to errors, with individual patent numbers?

If you do not do either, you are forfeiting your claims for potential damage payments in the event of an industrial property right of your intellectual property (IP). In countries such as the US and Great Britain, you are obligated to mark your products in terms of any damage claims. In addition to a weakened legal position, if a mark is missing, under some circumstances large amounts of money, often six figures and up, are “just given away”.

Our solution

Our solution

You use our sticker and stick it onto all products that at least contain a patent, design or trademark (your company logo is sufficient!). No time-consuming distinctions for your production processes. Exactly one and the same sticker for all products! “Virtual Marking” makes this possible and is compliant with the law in the aforementioned countries. 


Fully-automated process

Fully-automated process

We offer you a new, simple and fully-automated process to label your relevant commercial-industrial property rights and always guarantee current, public and international legal status information “against” competitors and potential product pirates. In other words, the legal status (pending, granted, lapsed) is automatically updated per country. Any time-consuming maintenance on your part is no longer necessary. This means that your damage claim is ensured! Apply for and protect your valuable IP at the same time!